NSW N4 Launching Event 2022

Author: Wenjay Tew Wen Kiat,  Last update on March 14, 2025, Prepared by the NSW Automation Marketing Team

Thank you for your presence at the NSW N4 Launching Event.

The N4 Full Range Solder Paste Micro-dispenser was officially unveiled on 18 Oct 2022 at the Setia SPICE Convention Centre, Penang, Malaysia, and we’d want to thank all of our visitors, Yb Dato’ Abdul Halim Hussain Penang State Exco for Trade Industry and Entrepreneur Development, Dato’ Seri Wong Siew Hai, business partners, and fellow NSWrians for making it out.


In his speech Dato’ Abdul Halim commended NSW for its achievement from a local SME to its global presence in the form of an R&D Centre in San Jose, USA and professional sales and technical services in USA, China, Taiwan, South Korea, Germany, Russia and ASEAN countries.


Several material suppliers were featured during the unveiling event, including EPOTEK, DELO, and indium. In addition to N4, we’ve also launched S420 and the DPC micro-dispensing system, designed to meet the diverse requirements of the micro-application in R&D industries.


After all, NSW Automation is thrilled to usher in a new era in the dispensing industry by providing innovative new All-in-one solutions with the new N4 for versatile chip manufacturing.

NSW N4 Full Range Solder Paste Micro-dispenser

About The New N4

The N4 pioneered a full range of innovative micro-soldering versatility where stencil and jet printing underachieve. It contributes the best versatility to overcome so many challenges in the conventional soldering processes, such as limitation of printable size, constraints in complex board design, low production yield, time-consuming stencil optimization, handling of various product conversions…etc.


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