How to Prevent Solder Paste Dispensing Clog Issues
Here are a few tips to avoid solder paste dispensing clogs, blockages or chokes. Follow these quick fix in this article to solve clog issues once for all.
Here are a few tips to avoid solder paste dispensing clogs, blockages or chokes. Follow these quick fix in this article to solve clog issues once for all.
Hooray! on Q4 2020, We launched our new 2020 automated Intelligent Clog-FREE Micro-dispenser, The SD1 Series. This Launching event includes the introduction of two new machine models: The SD1 and SD1-X.
Introducing The New SD1 – with 6 independent axes on dual gantries and algorithm intelligence, SD1 doubles dispensing productivity for 3D-SiP, MEMS, and miniature packages.
Understand Contact Dispensing and Non-Contact Jetting. Why most SMD professionals prefer contact dispensing over fluid jetting for precise micro dispensing applications such as wafer-level packaging, 008004 solderings, PoP, SiP, 3D-mid jobs?
Today is the new era of smaller electronics with an increasing demand for micro solder paste dispensing. We need a new way to dispense on smaller component.
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